WARNING: This entry is so emotional... This is my blog, so allow me to rant.
I dunno where to start... Its just that within this week, with so much effort I have given just to finish my fu**in' requirements, I just got fu**in' 3 results: anger, frustration, stress. I really don't deserve this shitty treatment. I have been submissive to their rules and regulations. I duly followed all the necessary requirements for registration, and now, after all the stress, muscle-aching walks, frustrating waits for that grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... Program Head, whose primary function, in my belief, in the system was just to find a leisure time in his(?) work while we, the poor students, wait in vain just to have a good schedule, does he understand what do students like me feel when we wait there in abyss, yet having nothing?
I have been processing my subjects, my enrollment since Tuesday, and lo! I still don't have any classes, rooms to go and professors to love and to hate... It's so unfair, I am being nice to them, controlling my temperament, my anguish to their senseless logic in using their registration system wherein the students are doing all of the effort, while these powertrippers, mandated to help the students in the registration process, just make chismis, giving guffaws in front of the stressed, worried students. That's shitty.
Well, my dear UP friends, you know, you should appreciate the help RVC has given despite the forever wait. At least, you can have an assurance that you could get a subject, despite the unavailavility of the slots. While I, hoping for a better tomorrow with my not-so-good present, is now suffering despite the academic load has not yet permeated my system. Why these shitty things happen to me? Don't they know my parents are fighting because of their unprofessionalism, their being unethical and irresponsibility? Don't they know that I travel everyday for 4-5 hours just to process my enrollment in their dismal office? DOn't they realize that they have been students before, like us, who suffers from the hassling registration process? Or its just they're inherently indifferent about this unsystematic process? They're really powertrippers. And I hope, when I finished studying in their school, I won't grow like them, I hope I will take the other path instead...
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